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May Highlights

This post may contain affiliate links, but all opinions are my own.

The month of MAYhem has come to a close and I had to catch some of the highlights (and a few lowlights).

To catch a cute reel I made of some of the highlights from this month and even some captured lowlights head to my Instagram to see it!

-Watermelon birthday party planned by Grayson and Olivia for Papa (who hates watermelon 😂) luckily got THIS cute watermelon piñata just in time for the party!

-Mother’s Day Tea Party with the Activity Day boys and girls and their moms, I was in charge of the craft! 🫖 Find the reel all about it HERE, there is also an IG highlight with all the links saved too!

-Liv found my magnet supplies and got to work crafting, she LOVED making them!

-lots of time outside

-teacher appreciation week

-finished up preschool strong with so many fun days like Moms and Muffins, letter days and Teddy Bear Picnic 🐻 

-Violet has been standing more and more!

-we had a royal high tea to celebrate coronation day 🫖 

-celebrated May 4th with HANburgers and a new Star Wars dress for Liv

-our yard is starting to come back to life, it’s my favorite! 

-Baby Rocket had a birthday party (within a few hours, it was fun! haha) Liv is in her party planning era I wonder where she gets that from!? 🤔 

-We went to cousin Emma’s dance recital 💃 

-celebrated Mother’s Day in our matching dresses per Liv’s request! The sweetest!

-I had one of my cute YW from a couple years ago who is THE cutest hairstylist come and teach my activity day girls all about hair, they LOVED it! 💇‍♀️ 

-We went on a date night drive up to Alta while the girls took a late nap in the car.  It was so crazy to see it still a winter wonderland!  Grateful it’s summer in my neighborhood! 😂 

-Violet still loves ducks and has the cutest little “quack” when she sees one!  🦆 

-We went to the zoo! Violet was blown away by all the animals! Animals are her favorite! 🦁 

-Liv found a cat that she was obsessed with at the pet store.  🐱 

-Violet loves to dress up!  In Liv’s night gowns, crowns, headbands, socks, shoes, necklaces! But only for fun and on her terms, if it’s for Mom or if a bow is involved it’s a no go!

-loved prepping lots of treats for Violet’s belated first birthday party, Violet especially loved the sugar cookies 🍪 

-We celebrated her birthday party late because we went to Disneyland the same week back in February then once we got back life happened and we couldn’t catch up.  We set a date and May seemed like the perfect time for a flower market!  It was so fun to celebrate our littlest lady! 🌸 

-Violet really could spend every minute outside! ☀️ 

-loved pretending I was a florist with all the flowers from Violet’s Flower Market 💐 

-Violet and Liv have loved the cute car my family gave as a group gift to Violet for her birthday 🚗 

-rainstorms, cousins, s’mores and grandma’s back porch 🌧️ 

-never want to forget Liv’s fashionable outfits or creative names, like “Sneaky Cat”

-Liv crashed Grandma Strong’s dinner with her sisters and their spouses

-I started baking again, all for fun!  It was so nice!  A little crazy but nice! 👩‍🍳 

-I went a little crazy and got a real early Christmas gift for the girls and got them a cute new playhouse!  The girls love it! 🏠 

-We’ve been taking Violet to nursery to get her use to it before she hits 18 months.  She’s been doing so well and really enjoys it!

-Memorial Day breakfast with the Strongs! Best year yet! The girls loved it so much. Cotton candy with Grandma Strong, making rockets and launching them with Grandpa Strong, breakfast and catching up with Dallin’s extending family, so fun!

-Last day of Preschool for little Liv, on to Kindergarten this fall 👩‍🎓 

Low Lights

-Liv has had more stomach problems. We were so hopeful that it was getting better, but we don’t think it is.  Back to the doctors we go.

-V had several days of not feeling well.  Liv is the sweetest big sister and knows how sad it is to not feel well.

-Our house has been a wild zone of catch all while prepping for Violet’s party.  Every space has been a little crazy.  Luckily towards the end of this month we’ve been able to sort and clean spaces and I feel like I can finally breath again.  I thrive in a clean space!

-We’re having some fun issues with our pipes/drains. The joys of being a home owner!

-I still have some health and dental issues I’m working through.  Plus lots more. There are always more low lights than you think.  But I focus on that so much in my own mind I’m trying extra hard to focus on the highlights!  Life is so much more than one day, one conversation, one picture or one post. 

Grateful everyday I get to live life with these cuties!  The month of MAYhem is over! 

