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June Highlights

This last month has been a whirlwind! Full of some really high highs and some scary lows. Liv has had a return of her stomach pain and I have had a return of some of my post partum things which is not fun. We have an endoscopy scheduled for Liv at the end of July and I’m always working on the post partum things with doctors. Health challenges are so hard. Along with the hard also came some really fun summer things! Let’s share some highlights shall we!

-Date Night at Del Barrio Cafe in Midvale with some delicious nachos and tacos. Cannot wait to go back!

-Celebrating our Preschool Graduate with Chick Fil A and donuts

-Donut Day! Instead of having our traditional Olivia’s Donut Shoppe for friends and family we decided to give donuts to grandparents and family at grandma and grandpas home and keep it simple. It was different than we are use to but still a lot of fun! We also got donuts from one of our favorite donut shops, Donut Star in Draper!

-Made lots of sugar cookies! Loved these sets: bananas for a jungle/banana themed party, beach balls for a beach party. And of course Liv got in on the action too!

-Celebrated little Alma’s birthday and Liv got her new favorite accessory! She got Blippi glasses as a favor and loves to wear them everywhere. The day after the party she said she couldn’t wait to wear them to church and surprise everyone because she was going to be in disguise and no one would know it was her. Then she would take off her glasses and say Look it’s me Olivia! haha

-Lots of time in the yard!

-Sooo many dance days! Liv’s dance has one big recital and it goes BIG. We love it but June is usually wild because of it.

-We celebrated Grayson’s Birthday! Violet won the candy guessing game (thanks to Dallin!) and was so cute about receiving her candy!

-Was able to make a few arrangements with the peonies and roses from my yard and they looked so pretty all together!

-Was called a regular at Jersey Mike’s. Still not sure how to react about that. haha

-Found a new tradition for migraine appointments! Stops at Sweet Tooth Fairy!

-Before we knew Liv had a very contagious virus, Violet was so sweet and caring to her. Always checking on her and sitting next to her on the couch!

-Liv’s ER visit. Ugh. Still can’t believe it actually happened but so glad we went in. Her temperature went too high too quickly and she couldn’t keep anything down. They were able to get fluids in her and help diagnose her virus which helped get her better faster!

-We celebrated Liv graduating from Waterford Upstart! We loved this program and had to celebrate all her hard work!

-Her dance recital finally came and she was able to perform and feel good! Hallelujah!!! She was so adorable dancing on stage and kept waiving the whole time!

-Day before Father’s Day Day Date with Kneader’s french toast and a walk in the park! Free french toast for dad’s and $5 french toast makes it a super cheap date!

-Celebrated my grandma’s birthday! She is our sweetest guardian angel and we miss her so much. A special way that we celebrate and remember her is every year on her birthday we take flowers and balloons to her grave. The girls let the balloons go (give to grandma) and say Happy Birthday! Then we stop at her favorite chocolate shop, See’s for some chocolates her favorite treat! And follow it up with memories and other favorite things of hers. Like mexican food for dinner, favorite movie, etc. It’s a special way to have her memory live on!

-Father’s Day was simple and fun! We got Dallin some of his favorite things for our favorite guy!

-We waited for baby Daniel (my sister to have her baby) and got cupcakes for his BIRTH day!

-Packing, packing, packing for our fun family trip with the Strongs!

-When I stress I organize! haha

-The girls LOVED meeting baby Daniel for the first time. Violet always wanted to be sitting next to him. It was so adorable!

-Mexico with the Strongs! Grandpa Strong retired last year and celebrated by taking us all to Mexico! How lucky are we!! It was so fun to be with family that live near and far for a full week! We will never forget the fun week we had with them!

Low Lights

-We had to update all our pipes and clean our drains in order to do laundry.

-Same week as the plumbing situation Liv came down with a “flare up” so we thought, come to find out it was a virus, right before her big recital. Then days before we found out she also had strep and pink eye too. Then the next day I found out I had sinus infection. It was all so crazy!! Like wayyyy too much. We were also leaving to mexico a week after her recital so i was a bit stressed.

-Violet and Dallin also got sick but not as bad as Liv. Thank heavens. She was so sleepy one day I ran downstairs to get something and came up to find her asleep at her highchair!

-SOOO much laundry from weeks of not being able to do it, then a stomach bug AND plumbing problems. WHAT a crazy week that was! We had to do a major laundry over haul at our parents.

