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This month we’ve finally been able to catch up on some of our summer bucket list! It’s been a great month of summer! Full of lots of cousin time with lots of time spent indoors too because it’s so darn hot.

Here’s what we’ve been up to:

-We had such a wonderful and peaceful time going to the Saratoga Springs temple Open House.

-4th of July pancakes and fun with family! We made a super delicious 4 ingredient ice cream, I think that was for the 24th but they both blend together for me.

-Lots of raspberries in our garden!

-We were able to go to Lagoon as a family for Dallin’s summer work party, the girls had so much fun. Especially Liv.

-We’ve loved early mornings in our backyard enjoying our fairy garden and collecting rolly pollies.

-So many cuddles with sweet baby Daniel.

-We were so happy to sneak in some time with cousin Micah and get a fun Hike in with him while he was still in town.

-Liv had her cousin sleepover!

-Liv wants to swim every single time we go to Grandma Warner’s house, and have popsicles!

-Spa Day

-Sister makeovers! With real makeup!

-Liv had her long awaited endoscopy. The anesthesiologist was SO sweet to her. After hearing that she was nervous and that she loved learning about everything medical he showed her all of his equipment and was so kind to her.

-Liv made her first s’more.

Our summer was not all clear skies, we’ve had our fair amount of storms but trying real hard to focus on the sun! Hoping next month to list our favorite products, finds, pictures and more details!

